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Be My Reason Page 14

  “Come in and have some pizza with me. I just sat down.”

  “I’m sorry I interrupted but I just wanted to see you. You’re the first person I think about when I want to share something.”

  She smiled and then took a seat, grabbing my beer and taking a sip. I watched how her lips shaped over the bottle.

  “So Frank arranged for me to work with another firm that is out of town about thirty miles, but I can telecommute. I can’t believe he made sure I was taken care of in the midst of everything that was going on.”

  “I thought you said he was retiring?”

  “He is but he’s sick too. I don't know from what and I didn't ask. I think he would have told me if he wanted me to know. He didn't look good at all though.”

  “Maybe, he’ll get better. And he will have time to just live now since he isn't spending his hours working all the time.”

  “True. Most lawyers I know, although I don't like the majority, spend more time working than anything. Maybe that’s why they are such…” I stopped myself.

  “So how is your job? Any good cases you can share?”

  “I can share some things.” I said.

  Breigh leaned in to listen to me, truly interested.

  “Have you seen the news about this perp who is robbing elderly ladies? And hitting them in the process?”

  “I heard that it happened at James Baptist. What kind of lowlife would hurt the elderly, and in front of a church of all places?”

  “The suspect is a grown man and we are having all kinds of hell tracking him down. I am making it my focus right now; it just has me ready to kill him. The poor ladies were so bruised and cut up from the falls. Really broke my heart.”

  “I know you'll catch him.”

  “And I hope I am able to get him charged with the highest charge, so he has to actually pay for his crime. If he is beating on elderly then there is no telling what else he is doing. Or even better, let me do to him what he did to the victims.” I had begun to grit my teeth, feeling my anger rise.

  Her eyes caught the pictures I had laying on my table. “These are horrible!”

  “I know.”

  “You know in my job; I work with a lot of elderly. I guess I have always felt at home with them since I grew up with Grammy. I would kill someone if they messed with her. Is the suspect going after random elderly or people who he might gain something from?”

  “We aren't seeing any connections.”

  “I just find it hard to believe someone is that cold they would hurt a grandmother.”

  “You and me both.”

  I moved closer to her and kissed her softly; a small peck, wanting to change the subject from what we had been talking about. I had never felt so comfortable with a woman in my life.

  Our kisses were getting more and more intense, and I ran my hand up her back. The touch of her skin was heaven. I kissed her neck and took her scent in, coconut and flowers…

  “What do you think about a sleepover?” she asked, and I stopped like a deer struck in headlights. She isn't mentioning what I think she could be mentioning, and I’m completely okay with that. Really.

  “Seriously?” The lump in my throat caused a scratch in my voice.

  “Not saying that, Wyatt…” She giggled. “I would just love for you to hold me tonight.”

  “I wasn’t thinking what you think I was thinking.” Okay, so maybe a white lie. “I would love for you to stay the night with me.”

  “But it comes at a price. I’m starving and that pizza and beer looks perfect.”

  “So you want me to share?”

  She batted her eyes, showing her eyelashes.

  “I might be willing to share my pizza and beer, plus as an added on bonus, I have some ice cream in the fridge for later.” I winked at her.

  I placed my arm around her on the couch after moving the pizza and beer in front of us.

  She began laughing and then reached for the remote.

  I grabbed it from her, laughing. “Nah, nah, you can’t have the remote. You think just because you are beautiful that you can take my remote?”

  “No, I think I can take the remote because…”

  I handed her the remote right before she placed it beside the pizza and she planted a kiss on me.

  The thought of her staying here with me was the cherry on top of a sundae. This was exactly what I needed for the week I’ve had.

  Having slept over at Wyatt’s, I can honestly say I was going to have trouble sleeping alone. He had spooned me most of the night and I couldn’t get enough of it. The intimacy level of him holding me had been brought to an entire new level. For me, anyway.

  Wyatt had snuggled me this morning fully dressed in his uniform with a light nudge and kiss telling me he had made coffee and toast. Before he left for work he wanted to kiss me goodbye.

  “Thank you for spending the night with me sweetheart.” One more kiss on the lips, then the nose.

  I wrapped my arms around him holding him down so he couldn’t get up. “Don’t leave yet.” I whispered.

  “I wish I didn’t have to. There is no place I’d rather be then in bed with you. I was going to wake you to have a cup of coffee with you but you were to peaceful.”

  “I would have liked that.” One more kiss.

  I released him from my hold. “I’ll get out of here after a cup of coffee if that is okay?”

  “Stay as long as you like.”

  I wanted to ask him if forever would be okay but instead I blew him a kiss as he walked out of the room.



  I had never really thought of my job as an important part of people’s lives, but I was starting to think differently, especially after talking to Wyatt. He took so much pride in his work as a deputy and I looked forward to hearing his stories. What he could talk about anyway.

  I had spent the night at his house two nights ago, and we had talked both nights since.

  On the phone tonight, we had talked more about what I actually did for a living. Yes, I was a legal assistant but I also helped people with a very important part of their lives. Their final wishes.

  “Tell me your craziest estate or will you had to help write.”

  “Why? People have all kinds of wishes.”

  “I had a crazy day and I want to hear some funny stuff.”

  “Okay…hmmm. Well, we had one when I first started who wanted all her money to go to her cats. She had nine cats and one daughter. The daughter had never really been there for her, and refused to spend time with her.”

  “Wow, I bet the daughter was pissed.”

  “Yeah, she wanted to debate about it but it was all stated. She had no loopholes. To think that cats gave you more attention than your daughter is the sad part. The more I work in this field, the more selfish I see people. So many who want nothing to do with their loved ones unless they need something, but then when they pass, they loved them so much and just can’t understand what happened.”

  “You think you’ve seen selfish people? Ha! You have no clue how bad it gets. People will do anything to protect themselves…at all costs.”

  “I can only imagine the bad you see. How do you get past it all?”

  “I don’t have a choice. I chose this career when I was a kid. It was against my parents’ wishes, and I had to fight for it. I have to remember how much I love my job and how I had to fight to get here.”

  “Your parents were that mad?”

  “My dad was humiliated I would pick a career that got paid so little and not want to work for his company. It’s funny; he pretends like it is his, but my aunt let it slip one time that he wouldn't have it if it wasn't for my mom. My parents don't even know I know.”

  “That’s crazy. But it sounds like you stuck by your guns…” I giggle. “And you are doing what you love, despite the bad you see. You are changing the world.”

  “Trying anyway. You are changing the world too though.”

  “Nah, I am just being the
re for the elderly or for people who have their final wishes planned out. It is the least I can do. I owe so much to my grammy that I feel, in a way, I am doing something she would love.”

  “It sounds like you are being there for people in their time of need, you are being their strength.”

  “I’m not going to lie though, Wyatt, do you ever feel like no matter what you do, it isn't making a difference? We want to change the world, but do you think that it is really possible? It seems to only be getting worse.”

  “If we all gave up, then no good would ever happen, right?”

  “Nicely put,” I commented. “Okay, so not so serious, what is a funny story from your work? Come on, Deputy Galloway, share.”

  “Probably a man I was sent to go pick up for public intoxication. He had no clue who he was, where he was, and was wearing nothing but a hat. The bad part was; I had to chase him down the block and put him in my car. There are some things you do not want to see, and that was definitely one of them.”

  I laughed. Yeah I’m glad I didn't have to deal with that one. I also didn't mention that I knew it was my father.

  The Hilltop Sheriff’s Department knew my father well. It was so embarrassing, and my Grammy had put a stop to me knowing of all the transgressions after a while.


  My day went to hell in a hand basket within five minutes. It was that kind of day.

  It was one in the afternoon, and I should have eaten over an hour ago. The office was shorthanded and cases were piling up. Cases that required attention and had to be done immediately.

  It wouldn’t have mattered if I had eaten before I left this morning, but I wasn't able to. Aunt Rhonda hadn't answered my call when I phoned her this morning, which is unlike her, so I hightailed it over to check on her before work. She was fine, but scared me to death.

  While sitting in my makeshift office, trying to begin to look through some of the folders, I suddenly hear Kevin laughing and carrying on. It was beginning to irritate me since I was so consumed with my work. On a positive note, I did catch the scum that had been robbing and beating on the elderly women. Chalk it up to one win for the day.

  “Wyatt, get out here,” he said nicely. Normally Kevin was a pretty stern man.

  He had his arm around Breigh and was in a conversation full of laughter. They were both smiling with laughter accompanying them. I had never seen a woman so beautiful when she was smiling.

  I stood observing them with my hand on my hip.

  “Oh, here he is. I’ll let y'all be. Enjoy your lunch.”

  Breigh handed him a brown bag and then hugged him. She gave him a swift kiss on his cheek and thanked him.

  “You’re welcome, I would do anything for you, Breigh girl.”

  “I know you would, thank you,” she responded.

  Kevin watched as she walked toward me and smiled. The happiness remained on his face.

  “What are you doing here?” She hugged me immediately and I kept her close until she pulled away.

  Her tight jeans and boots were accompanied by a flowy shirt that hung off one shoulder. The deep blue made her eyes darker. Her hair seemed lighter today too.

  “I wanted to surprise you and bring you lunch, but from what Kevin said, I picked a bad day.”

  “There is never a bad day for you to come to my work.” I placed a quick kiss on her lips. “ What did you bring me? I’m starved.”

  My stomach spoke right through my mouth.

  I took her hand and led her to the lunchroom. Anyone who normally ate in here was already done.

  “You’ll see.”

  She put down her bag and started to unload things, smelling as she went. “Have a seat,” she bossed me. I don't like being bossed around, but by her, I’ll make an exception.

  I reached out and touched her as she continued in a rhythm, organizing things. All the food was set in covered containers, so I still couldn't tell what she was serving.

  She leaned to give me a quick kiss and then started to uncover the food. Roast, mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

  “Holy shit. I haven't had food like this since our last meal.”

  “I’m glad you approve. I wanted to treat you. I know you have been working a lot.”

  “I really have, hence, why I haven't been able to take you out.”

  “I’ve been busy too. Oh, and here is some sweet tea.”

  She pulled a jug out and two cups to pour into. She thought of everything.

  “Thank you. This really means a lot. I haven't eaten all day.”

  “Why?” she said, starting to serve everything.

  “Rhonda wasn't answering me this morning and had me in a panic. We talk every morning for about five minutes and she didn't answer me. I basically threw on my clothes and got there as fast as I could.”

  “Oh no, she’s okay, right?”

  “Yeah, she left her cell phone in the kitchen last night. She’s fine. Of course she was irritated I was worried about her.”

  “Well, we worry about those we love. I would have done the same thing if that happened with my Grammy.”

  For a few minutes all I heard was chewing. The food was amazing and I didn't talk because I was too busy eating.

  “Good?” she asked.

  I shook my head, trying to finish what I had in my mouth.

  “Do you mind if I ask what you and Kevin were talking about? He was smiling and that isn't something that happens often around here.”

  “I don’t mind, I figured you’d ask. He was telling me that he approved of you.”

  “What?” That was nice of him but I didn't ask him to do that. Nor did I care if he did. His opinion mattered but more for her than me. I knew what Breigh was, and I wasn't going to let her get away, no matter who might not approve. She was sent to me for a reason. She was THE reason as far as I could see.

  “I don’t know what kind of conversations you guys have had, but apparently he told you at one point that no one was good enough for me. He thinks you may be…”

  “May be…”

  “He’s like a father to me. Probably cares more for me than my real father. He has seen a lot of things and the way my father treated me, discarded me more like it. I remember when I was pretty young, and Dad was brought in for drunk and disorderly. He pulled me to the side and told me people made mistakes and that it didn't define my father.” She paused and then weakly smiled. “Little did he know…”

  I listened, letting her tell her story.

  “He actually was a good male role model too, when I started to get into trouble. And boy did I. He just was there for me when I didn't have a lot.”

  “I can see that.”

  She smiled as if she was running a memory or memories through her mind. “I am thankful for him. And although he may have overstepped the line, telling you that you weren't good enough, he did it out of love.”

  “He can be a nice guy when he wants to.”

  “Anyway, to be honest, I couldn't careless who thinks either of us are good enough for the other. I know that’s rude to say, but what I feel for you is not something I need approval for.”

  I scooted back and motioned for her to sit on my lap. “Come here, beautiful.”

  She walked over to me and sat in my lap gently.

  She sat so her face was right with mine.

  “I love you,” I said. I had only said this a few times to women. But with Breigh, I didn't worry about timing. I didn't worry about anything except me wanting her to know how I felt about her. If she wasn't on the same page, then I knew she would get there.

  She took my breath away as she placed her lips on mine and kissed me deeply. I moaned for a brief second, overtaken with emotion and her action.

  She’s pulled back slightly, just enough to say that she loved me too.

  I’ve heard a lot of things from people, and a few “I love yous,” but from Breigh my heart knew she was speaking the truth. That her words meant more than just something to say. She showed it in gestu
res, like reaching for my hand, the way her eyes met mine, and the times she gave me a look that almost hit me in the gut, clarifying she was one of a kind.

  She sat on my lap and I held her until she pried herself away for us to finish lunch.

  “Thank you for turning an otherwise horrible day into a day I’ll always carry with me.”


  “It isn't every day the woman you love not only brings you lunch, but also says the words you’ve been hoping for.”

  We both smiled at each other as we finished our food.

  “For the record, you can bring me lunch anytime you want!” I joked, but meant every word.



  Tonight, I was working in bed, attempting to finish what had to be done before I fell asleep. My focus was nil and my thoughts kept going back to Wyatt.

  He said he loved me. And I returned the words I said I wouldn't ever say to anyone else.

  Of course, time passed and a person’s heart healed. I just feared that with Wyatt it wasn't anything I would heal from. The intensity of feelings I had right now for this man was taking over me. I wouldn't dare utter the words that I think he’s the one I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with, because of fear that as soon as I speak them out loud, something will happen. I hadn't been as cautious before and this time, I was going to extra lengths to make sure I did everything right, as much as possible anyway.

  I had already talked to Grammy and filled her in on our pot roast lunch, what he had said to me, and how I had responded to. And what Kevin had said. She was touched that Kevin was still looking out for me.

  “I had a good feeling about Wyatt from the start,” she said.

  “I did too, but that doesn't mean anything from my experience.”

  “I am much older and wiser though, sweet girl.”

  “Yes, you are, and you had one of the greatest loves of all time, so I would think you would know it when you saw it.”

  “Well of course, dear. Listen, I was thinking, what do you think about having him and his aunt Rhonda over for dinner one night? Or we could do Sunday afternoon after church for a lunch? Would you feel comfortable with that?”